Prototypes and Demonstrators


  1. Decto-Melanome: polarimetric imaging system for early detection of melanoma.
  2. Polar’X: patented underwater image enhancement system (patent reference number: BG/EBU/DD-FR 1763336: UNDERWATER IMAGE ENHANCEMENT DEVICE). Two polarized light sources are used, as well as a polarization camera that is oriented orthogonal to the light emitted by the two sources. An optimized DCP-based software processing is performed to reduce the effect of turbidity for real-time application.
  3. ADFD: system for monitoring road surface conditions, such as sidewalk crack detection.
  4. Safecity:
  • Graphical interface that enables users to access a surveillance camera, to select one or more areas of the image and to detect intrusion in the selected area(s).
  • Set up in the lab, the access management system enables to distinguish children from adults and use facial recognition in order to identify individual people classified as ‘adults’.
  • 2 demonstrations were carried out and validated on-site in Nice (Nikaia primary school) and in Toulon (ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée building) [5] Spectral and polarimetric imaging platform: the spectral and polarimetric imaging laboratory is a place for non- conventional imaging. This platform enables to characterize the chemical composition and physical structure of a sample. Various partners are interested in our « small-scale » characterisation system: Hytech imaging, IFREMER, Vegenov, HAS university, etc. We are currently developing a toolbox for pre-processing and analysing the images produced (joint project LSL).
  1. Platform for remote power transfer (Intendu – ESE, FORSSEA – contactless power transfer system): laboratory proof-of-concept (POC) of remote energy transfer. The goal is to power submarine robots and thus increase mission duration.
  2. Diagnostic platform: experimental diagnostic equipment composed of asynchronous machines (with and without fault). The aim of the platform is to validate detection algorithms and classify faults by analyzing electrical currents.
  3. Connected classroom: classroom experiments to automate tasks (e.g. to take student attendance or undertake behavioural studies). The aim is
  4. to identify indicators such as concentration/attention of students in classes.
  5. FPGA accelerator: it is used to speed up calculation for embedded image processing (face recognition based on correlation, compression, encryption).